Data-Driven Insights – Leverage workforce analytics to manage efficiency in remote work

Flexible work brings multiple benefits but demands managing time and efficiency for remote teams operating distributed across locations. With 51% of the remote workforce experiencing disengagement at work, organizations need to stay in sync with how teams work and what efficiency they gain. With 98% of employees wanting to work remotely, flexible work is growing… Continue reading Data-Driven Insights – Leverage workforce analytics to manage efficiency in remote work

How to Find the Most Productive Hours for Your Workforce

Expecting your workforce to stay productive throughout the workday is not logical, considering the nature of the human brain to be distracted now and then. An effective practice to help employees find their peak productivity hours is to make them aware of their time log and assess timesheet management for more efficiency. The popular Pomodoro… Continue reading How to Find the Most Productive Hours for Your Workforce

How workforce analytics helps with contact center efficiency

With the evolving workplaces, more contact center teams are now working remotely which presents a challenge for remote organizations to measure employee behavior at work and ensure compliance with business policy and data privacy. Evaluating employee actions not only helps you predict workplace risks but also negates the impact on business reputation and client trust.… Continue reading How workforce analytics helps with contact center efficiency

Importance of workforce analytics in remote workplace

Gaining critical workforce analytics is important in today’s distributed business environment. wAnywhere remote employee monitoring software enables organizations to track, measure, and boost team productivity in remote work. Also, the AI-powered tool helps control security and compliance to enable clean desk in distributed work. With detailed overview of how efficiently remote teams perform, wAnywhere employee monitoring can prove… Continue reading Importance of workforce analytics in remote workplace