The wAnywhere Dashboard is part of the web console. This document describes the dashboards which are visible as soon as the user logins in through the Manager, Audit, Admin or Super Admin role.

Similar dashboard is available as an individual logs in through the Agent role i.e. as a team member.


The retrain face feature is used to increase the confidence score of the user face.

  • Retrain the face page
  • Enter the email address
  • Enter the password

  • Capture image to retrain the face
  • User retrained successfully

Superadmin and admin can change configuration. Follow below steps.

  • Login
  • Select configuration
  • Select organization and department
  • Select Intrusiveness level low/medium/high
  • Low- Only Idle time, Medium- Idle time+ website+ application, High-Idle time+ website
  • +application +AI activities
  • Productivity -set Idle time duration and working hour as per organization policy
  • ScreenGrab- set Screenshot capture interval and Image to be saved or not

  • AI Detection (sync interval set in any of the AI activities applicable to all not at desk, mobile as well as multiple except unknow(it’s having separate sync interval setting))
    • Not at desk- Image save on/off, Sync interval time, Action black screen or lock screen, notification trigger to manager
    • Mobile - Image save on/off, Sync interval time, Action black screen or lock screen, notification trigger to manager
    • Multiple - Image save on/off, Sync interval time, Action black screen or lock screen, notification trigger to manager
    • Unknown- Image save on/off, Sync interval time, Action black screen or lock screen, notification trigger to manager

  • Break- define number or break allowed in your organization and break time
  • Application and site Authorization- Enter authorized site list and Enter unauthorized website list
  • Click on save button
  • Superadmin, admin, and auditor can see the activity record for selected organization and department.
  • Manager can see the activities record for his team members.

  • Login into console
  • Select activity monitor menu
  • Select date
  • Click on apply
  • Click on check activity

Logout time deletion

  • Click on the cross (x) button to delete the logout time.
  • Only superadmin, admin and manager can delete the logout time, if the agent mistakenly logged out for the day before the working hour duration.

Superadmin, admin, auditor can see the breach for selected organization and department.

Manager can see the breach for his team member.

  • Login
  • Click on Breach menu
  • Select organization and department
  • Select date
  • Display list of not at desk, multiple, mobile detection
  • Click on more detail
  • Click on View breach

  • Breach will close after adding the remediation
    • Click on add remediation
    • Add remediation text
    • Click on add button

  • Breach can discard
    • Check discard check box
    • Click on yes button

Superadmin, admin, auditor can see the screenshot of agent machine for selected organization and department. Manager can see the screenshot for his team member.

  • Login
  • Click on screenshot menu

  • Select date
  • Click on view screenshot

Superadmin, admin and auditor can download the report for a date in the CSV format.

  • Login
  • Click on reporting menu
  • Select date
  • Click on get report

Superadmin and admin can manage users.

  • Login
  • Click on User management menu
  • Select Team management tab
  • Select user

  • Click manage user
  • You can change the parameter like assigned to, department, role and approval for the face image
  • Click on update button

Reset password

  • Superadmin and admin can reset/update the password.
  • Enter email address
  • Enter password
  • Click on the reset button button and it will successfully update the users password.

Clear face data

  • Superadmin and admin can clear or delete the face data of the user.
  • It will ask for the confirmation to clear the face data or not.


  • Superadmin and admin can delete the user permanently.
  • By clicking on the delete button the confirmation will be asked for deleting the user.

Apply leave

  • Agent can apply for leave
  • Agent can not apply the leave for already applied dates
  • Agent is able to cancel its applied leave in case of no need

Leave history

  • Agent is able to see its leave history
  • Agent can check the status of applied leave
  • Only manager is able to approve or decline the applied leave of the agent
  • Manager can see the reason for the applied leave

  • Manager can see and approve or reject the raised cancellation request
  • Superadmin and admin check who has applied for the leave and for what reason
  • Superadmin and admin can only see the status of the applied leave by agent and also the reason for the rejection by the manager
Audit Logs
  • In audit logs, the changes of activity monitor, user management, configuration, organisation management and privacy breaches modules logs will be added.
  • Only superadmin and admin can see the audit logs
  • Superadmin and admin can check by who and when the changes were made

The superadmin can manage all the organization. Superadmin can create multiple department,admin and auditor.

  • Login
  • Select org management menu
  • Add new organization: Click on add new organization button and enter organization name and click on add button
  • Only superadmin will be able to add new organisation.

Add Department

  • To create new department - Click on add department button and enter department name and click on add button.
  • Only superadmin will be able to add new department.
  • Superadmin will be able to delete the particular department.

Add Admin

  • Click on add admin button and enter admin name and click on add button.
  • Only superadmin will be able to add admin of the department.
  • Superadmin will be able to delete the admin from the particular department.

Add Auditor

  • Click on add auditor button and enter auditor name and click on add button.
  • Only superadmin will be able to add auditor of the department.
  • Superadmin will be able to delete the auditor from the particular department

Add Client

  • Click on add client button and enter client name and click on add button.
  • Only superadmin will be able to add client of the department.
  • Superadmin will be able to delete the client from the particular department.

Add Notification Email

  • Click on plus (+) button and enter email of the user and click on add button.
  • Only superadmin will be able to add email for the notification of the department.
  • Superadmin will be able to delete the email of the user for notification from the particular department.


  • Manager and agent can create tasks and it will be shown in tasks table
  • Manager can delete/edit/view the created tasks
  • Agent can select the action like completed, in progress, pending as the status of the tasks
  • Agent can only delete its own created tasks

  • Agent can also see its tasks calendar wise from the calendar view
  • Manager can check the status of the assigned tasks from the task table
  • Manager can export all the tasks into the excel sheet
  • Manager can assign the tasks by importing the excel sheet by uploading it

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  • User can take a break by clicking on the top left corner Break button.
  • After clicking on break button, break time will be start and user system will lock.
  • Once user will enter the password user system will get open and break time will stop.


  • The user system will blackout/lockout screen based on configuration setting.

  • If the screen is blackout, then perform mouse movement to resume your activity.
  • If the screen is lockout then enter the password to resume your activity.


  • The user system will blackout/lockout screen based on configuration setting.

  • If the screen is blackout, then perform mouse movement to resume your activity.
  • If the screen is lockout then enter the password to resume your activity.


  • The user system will blackout/lockout screen based on configuration setting.

  • If the screen is blackout, then perform mouse movement to resume your activity.
  • If the screen is lockout then enter the password to resume your activity.


  • The user system will blackout/lockout screen based on configuration setting.

  • If the screen is blackout, then perform mouse movement to resume your activity.
  • If the screen is lockout then enter the password to resume your activity.
  • Click on the top right corner logout button.
  • There are two type of logout:
    • Current session- After clicking on the Current session logout user can again login into the application on the same day.
    • For the Day- After clicking on the For the Day logout, user cannot login again on the same day and it will consider final logout.
  • Click on the build detail link on the home screen of the agent application.

  • View build detail and click on OK button.
  • Click on the send Feedback link on the home screen of the agent application.

  • Feel all the parameter of the below form and click on the submit button.

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