Get actionable insights into key performance parameters

Scale the performance of your remote or hybrid teams against key productivity parameters. Leverage productivity tracking software to
know when employees log in to work, what tasks they do, and when they log out to analyze what productive hours they work

Boost Employee Productivity

Analyze, measure, and increase workplace productivity with powerful features that wAnywhere employee monitoring software provides

work from anywhere

Real-Time Monitoring

Get activity tracking in real-time and know how to increase productivity by capturing tasks employees are doing currently. Gain a summarized view of what teams are available at work, their Login, Active, Idle, Break, and Aux Time to measure what efficiency they achieve.

work from anywhere

Productivity Analytics

Gain analytics based on your teams’ performance against productivity metrics, including App & Web Usage, Active Time, Total Work Hours, and more. Measure department-wise productivity contribution and learn what department performs better.

work from anywhere

Attendance Summary

Get attendance reports to learn what teams are available at work and what teams are not present to measure the impact on overall productivity. Know what skills are available to plan the work and maintain workplace efficiency

work from anywhere


Visualize productivity parameters on an intuitive wAnywhere dashboard to get actionable insights into what teams better perform and what teams need support to improve performance and achieve more. Measure how teams work with user activity monitoring software and help boost employee productivity.

work from anywhere


Get productivity reports downloadable in Excel, PDF, and CSV format to gain detailed employee data based on performance. Analyze how teams work and with what efficiency to measure how focused they are at work and what productivity they achieve.

Track Productivity and Measure Performance

Live Login Summary

Track work patterns of your teams to know how they behave at work and what productivity they achieve.

work from anywhere
Track Productivity and Measure Performance

Total Idle Time

Know what Idle Time your teams spend and alert them if they exceed it to maximize their active hours for improved productivity.

work from anywhere
Track Productivity and Measure Performance

Total Break Time

Track Break Time of your teams and identify what teams exceed it to keep them focused and optimize work hours.

work from anywhere
Track Productivity and Measure Performance

Live Aux Code Users

Real-time monitoring of what teams use Aux Time and what teams exceed it to alert them for focused work.

work from anywhere
Track Productivity and Measure Performance

Aux Code Duration

Identify what teams are utilizing Aux Code, for what purpose, and for what duration to stay informed about how teams use Aux Time.

work from anywhere
Track Productivity and Measure Performance

Daily Logged In vs Not Logged In Users

Track what teams workday sign in and what teams don’t to measure productivity achieved on any working day.

work from anywhere
Track Productivity and Measure Performance

Work from Home vs Work from Office

Know how your hybrid teams work and track what teams work from home and office to evaluate employee productivity

work from anywhere
Track Productivity and Measure Performance

Productive & Non-Productive App & Web

Learn what Apps and Websites your teams visit and label them productive and unproductive based on category.

work from anywhere
work from anywhere

Live Login Summary

Check what your employees are doing anytime you want.

work from anywhere

Total Idle Time

Prevent malicious behavior and identify suspiciousactivity.

work from anywhere

Total Break Time

Check what your employees are doing anytime you want

work from anywhere

Live Aux Code Users

Prevent malicious behavior and identify suspiciousactivity.

work from anywhere

Aux Code Duration

Check what your employees are doing anytime you want

work from anywhere

Daily Logged In Vs Not Logged In Users

Get Screenshots at specified time intervals.

work from anywhere

Work from Home Vs Work from Office

Check what your employees are doing anytime you want

work from anywhere

Productive & Non-Productive Web & Apps

Prevent malicious behavior and identify suspiciousactivity.

Find out How Employee Monitoring Helps Boost
Workplace Productivity

Get the most of wAnywhere employee monitoring software

Allow role-based access to managers and teams to enhance productivity and accountability in remote work

Manager/Admin Login

Let managers/admins evaluate employee performance and analyze productivity.

Team Login

Provide teams access to their activity data and encourage accountability.

Integrate Tools

Integrate internal/external tools with wAnywhere to get your teams the needed resources.

How wAnywhere works for different teams

wAnywhere provides you an actionable insight into what time remote
teams work, what work patterns they follow, and how productive they perform

Productivity Monitoring Software
Enhance Productivity

Remote Teams

Track your remote teams’ actions with compliance monitoring to measure how they perform and what regulations they follow at work.

Productivity Monitoring Software
Improve Efficiency

Hybrid Teams

Track what hybrid teams work from home and what teams work from office to measure how they perform and what efficiency they achieve.

How wAnywhere Helps Boost Productivity

Analyze Work Patterns

wAnywhere employee productivity tracking software helps you know how your teams work by tracking their activities, visualizing performance, and getting productivity reports to analyze performance-based detailed data.

Improve Employee Productivity

wAnywhere productivity monitoring software helps you track employee performance against defined productivity parameters to measure what teams need improvement and provide the required support to help them boost productivity.

Discover Employee Productivity Monitoring

With the productivity monitoring tool in place, you can define productivity parameters to track your team’s activities against them and analyze how teams perform. You can identify low-performing teams and know what support they need to help improve performance.

Motivated employees perform more productive work. You can benefit from Productivity Leaderboard from wAnywhere to acknowledge and reward employee performance and encourage your teams to better engage with the work to achieve more.

The productivity management software helps you get actionable insights into how your remote or hybrid teams work and what productivity they achieve. You can measure their performance and identify what teams show low productivity to provide them the needed support and help improve their performance.

The real-time monitoring from wAnywhere productivity tracking enables you to measure what teams are doing what tasks and with what efficiency. You get live analytics about how your teams perform and what improvements they need to do more productive work.

An Actionable Guide to Employee Productivity Monitoring Software

The growing distributed work has made remote and hybrid organizations realize the immediate need for employee productivity-tracking software to monitor the work pattern of your teams and how it impacts their performance.

With employee monitoring software, distributed organizations can keep track of how teams spend the day at work, what activities they perform, and what are their productive or non-productive hours.

Employee productivity software helps organizations monitor their teams of all sizes working remotely or hybrid to know what tasks they are up to, what time they take to complete a task, what break or idle time they spend, what hours they work, and what productivity they achieve. Also, you can detect what teams perform and what teams need improvement to enhance performance.

Why is need for employee productivity software?

Let’s understand it with a simple example – if your team works for typical office hours, what time do you think they spend working productively? Obviously not all the hours, then what – whether it is 6, or 5, or 4 hours, you guess. No, it’s around 3 hours, to your surprise. You didn’t expect this much waste of work time – the reason why productivity at the remote or hybrid workplace is a big concern for many distributed organizations and they keep looking for the right solution to better manage their teams.

Monitor what tasks your teams perform and with what productivity

wAnywhere employee monitoring software enables organizations to define productivity parameters against when your teams log in to work, what tasks they perform and at what time, what break and aux time they spend, what their active and idle times are, what apps and websites they access, what hours they work, and what productivity they achieve.

Also, the intuitive wAnywhere dashboard helps organizations get employee activity-based detailed visualization to gain productivity insights into what teams perform and what teams need support to improve performance.

How do you measure the productivity of your remote teams?

Monitoring your remotely working teams is a challenge for organizations and they struggle to know how teams are working in the distributed environment. wAnywhere employee monitoring software helps concerned organizations track what activities their teams perform and with what productivity. Organizations can get detailed visualization with an intuitive wAnywhere dashboard to measure when teams do what tasks, analyze the work patterns of remote teams, and identify how it impacts their productivity.

Get Key Productivity Insights into Your Teams’ Performance

Based on the employee activity-based insights that wAnywhere productivity tracking software provides, managers can keep track of what team performs and what team needs improvements to boost performance. Another effective feature from wAnywhere – Productivity Leaderboard – can help managers encourage teams by recognizing and rewarding the top performers and motivating the rest of the teams to accelerate efforts and achieve more.

How to track factors that cause employee non-productivity?

There are several factors that can cause low employee productivity and inefficiency at work, including:

No focus at work

Monitor employee work patterns and measure what activities impact their performance. Track if they log in late, exceed break time frequently, delay task completion, access unproductive apps and websites, work fewer hours than expected, and perform inefficiently. Also, Identify distractions at work and control employee productivity.

Not utilizing work hours

Track if employees are under-utilizing their work hours by being exceedingly idle and showing less active time. Also, monitor their aux time and identity for what purpose and how long they use It. Know that if they delay the task and miss the deadline – it all impacts their work hours and productive time which reflects in low employee performance. With employee monitoring software, you can detect and control inefficient employee behavior to enhance productivity.

Control inefficient employee activities and improve performance

Lack of encouragement

Identify how employees perform and if they need encouragement to do more productive work. Lack of encouragement deteriorates employee productivity. Here, wAnywhere helps the concerned organizations with Productivity Leaderboard to recognize and reward top-performing teams and encourage the rest of the workforce to make more efforts and achieve greater performance.

Low employee engagement

Motivated employees drive productivity at work but if this is not the case it could hamper their performance. Track if they don’t work for defined hours, take more time in performing the tasks, or underutilize their work time, it all hints against low employee engagement. With wAnywhere desktop monitoring software, you can analyze employee work patterns and decide on the corrective measures to boost employee engagement for productive performance.

How can employee productivity be enhanced?

There are multiple factors that can cause non-productivity at work and with effective employee monitoring software, you can detect and control them. Let’s discuss what those factors are:

Log In & Log Out Time

Know when your remote teams log in to work and when they log out to estimate if they work for defined hours and achieve productivity goals.

Activity Monitoring

Measure how your remote teams work and what activities they perform to identify their work patterns. Get visualization with wAnywhere dashboard to analyze when they do what tasks and with what productivity to help them boost performance.

Monitor what tasks your remote teams do and with what productivity

App & Web Usage

Track what applications and websites your teams access in remote work to label them based on their category and measure what productive and nonproductive time teams spend. Based on app and web monitoring, you can control the non-work-bound app and web usage of remote teams to boost their focused time and productivity.

Break & Aux Time

Identify what hours remote teams spend as break or aux time to measure their work hours. Also, alert your teams if they exceed the defined break or aux time to avoid work hour wastage and better align teams to deliver more productive work.

Active & Idle Time

Detect what hours your teams spend being active and what time they spend as idle to analyze what productivity they achieve. Track if they exceed the defined idle time to alert them and keep them focused on work.

How to avoid distractions in remote work?

Your teams working in remote environments can easily get distracted and you can help keep them focused and perform more productive work. For that, you need to keep track of how they work and with what efficiency. Let’s understand how you can control distractions in distributed work and manage productivity:

Track work patterns

Identify how remote teams work and what activity they perform at what time to measure their performance. Visualize the analytics to know if their work patterns impact or boost productivity and decide on the corrective measures to keep them aligned to more productive work.

Discover how to keep your remote teams
aligned with business goals

Control non-productive hours

Detect the factors that lead to non-productive hours, including exceeding idle, break time, and aux time to control the inefficiency at work and optimize employee work hours. Also, analyze what apps and websites cause non-productive time at work to restrict their use and encourage more productivity.

Monitor Time

Track if your remote teams log in at the scheduled hour, complete tasks in a defined time, meet the project deadline, and work for expected hours to measure how they utilize their time. Based on the analytics, you can maximize their work hours and productivity.

How to boost employee engagement in remote work?

Engaged employees perform more productive work, while disengagement distracts them from work. Track the responsible factors that contribute to or disturb employee engagement. Let’s discuss the following factors that can make or break employee engagement:

Exceeding break or idle time

Track if your remote teams frequently spend break or idle time and measure their performance to identify distractions at work. Encourage your teams by recognizing and rewarding their performance to boost motivation and performance.

Fewer work hours

Detect if your workforce is clocking fewer than expected work hours to know its impact on their overall productivity. On finding that if it leads to non-productive work hours, you can track the reasons like overburdened teams to help them balance the workload, or employee burnout to track their continuous work hours and alert them to take breaks.

Why is need for employee monitoring software employee productivity software ?

Let’s understand it with a simple example – if your team works for typical office hours, what time do you think they spend working productively? Obviously not all the hours, then what – whether it is 6, or 5, or 4 hours, you guess. No, it’s around 3 hours, to your surprise. You didn’t expect this much waste of work time – the reason why productivity at the remote or hybrid workplace is a big concern for many distributed organizations and they keep looking for the right solution to better manage their teams.

Monitor what tasks your teams perform and with what productivity

wAnywhere employee monitoring software enables organizations to define productivity parameters against when your teams log in to work, what tasks they perform and at what time, what break and aux time they spend, what their active and idle times are, what apps and websites they access, what hours they work, and what productivity they achieve.

Also, the intuitive wAnywhere dashboard helps organizations get employee activity-based detailed visualization to gain productivity insights into what teams perform and what teams need support to improve performance.

How do you measure the productivity of your remote teams?

Monitoring your remotely working teams is a challenge for organizations and they struggle to know how teams are working in the distributed environment. wAnywhere employee monitoring software helps concerned organizations track what activities their teams perform and with what productivity. Organizations can get detailed visualization with an intuitive wAnywhere dashboard to measure when teams do what tasks, analyze the work patterns of remote teams, and identify how it impacts their productivity.

Get Key Productivity Insights into Your Teams’ Performance

Based on the employee activity-based insights that wAnywhere productivity tracking software provides, managers can keep track of what team performs and what team needs improvements to boost performance. Another effective feature from wAnywhere – Productivity Leaderboard – can help managers encourage teams by recognizing and rewarding the top performers and motivating the rest of the teams to accelerate efforts and achieve more.

How to track factors that cause employee non-productivity?

There are several factors that can cause low employee productivity and inefficiency at work, including:

No focus at work

Monitor employee work patterns and measure what activities impact their performance. Track if they log in late, exceed break time frequently, delay task completion, access unproductive apps and websites, work fewer hours than expected, and perform inefficiently. Also, Identify distractions at work and control employee productivity.

Not utilizing work hours

Track if employees are under-utilizing their work hours by being exceedingly idle and showing less active time. Also, monitor their aux time and identity for what purpose and how long they use It. Know that if they delay the task and miss the deadline – it all impacts their work hours and productive time which reflects in low employee performance. With employee monitoring software, you can detect and control inefficient employee behavior to enhance productivity.

Control inefficient employee activities and improve performance

Lack of encouragement

Identify how employees perform and if they need encouragement to do more productive work. Lack of encouragement deteriorates employee productivity. Here, wAnywhere helps the concerned organizations with Productivity Leaderboard to recognize and reward top-performing teams and encourage the rest of the workforce to make more efforts and achieve greater performance.

Low employee engagement

Motivated employees drive productivity at work but if this is not the case it could hamper their performance. Track if they don’t work for defined hours, take more time in performing the tasks, or underutilize their work time, it all hints against low employee engagement. With wAnywhere desktop monitoring software, you can analyze employee work patterns and decide on the corrective measures to boost employee engagement for productive performance.

How to avoid distractions in remote work?

Your teams working in remote environment can easily get distracted and you can help keep them focused and perform more productive work. For that, you need to keep track of how they work and with what efficiency. Let’s understand how you can control distractions in distributed work and manage productivity:

Track work patterns

Identify how remote teams work and what activity they perform at what time to measure their performance. Visualize the analytics to know if their work patterns impact or boost productivity and decide on the corrective measures to keep them aligned to more productive work.

Find out How Employee Monitoring will Help
Boost Productivity of Your Teams

How to avoid distractions in remote work?

Your teams working in remote environment can easily get distracted and you can help keep them focused and perform more productive work. For that, you need to keep track of how they work and with what efficiency. Let’s understand how you can control distractions in distributed work and manage productivity:

Track work patterns

Identify how remote teams work and what activity they perform at what time to measure their performance. Visualize the analytics to know if their work patterns impact or boost productivity and decide on the corrective measures to keep them aligned to more productive work.

How to boost employee engagement in remote work?

Engaged employees perform more productive work, while disengagement distracts them from work. Track the responsible factors that contribute to or disturb employee engagement. Let’s discuss the following factors that can make or break employee engagement:

Exceeding break or idle time

Track if your remote teams frequently spend break or idle time and measure their performance to identify distractions at work. Encourage your teams by recognizing and rewarding their performance to boost motivation and performance.

Fewer work hours

Detect if your workforce is clocking fewer than expected work hours to know its impact on their overall productivity. On finding that if it leads to non-productive work hours, you can track the reasons like overburdened teams to help them balance the workload, or employee burnout to track their continuous work hours and alert them to take breaks.

Let’s Get Started

Know how wAnywhere employee monitoring software can help boost
efficiency of your distributed teams