Here are some challenges which this new normal brings in:

  • remote desktop monitoring software
    Seamless Remote Working & Collaboration
  • remote desktop monitoring software
    Productivity (same levels as in office, or even higher)
  • remote desktop monitoring software
    Security & Compliance – Data security, confidentiality, and privacy
  • remote desktop monitoring software
    Effective Task management & Reporting


The BPO/Contact Centre business manages confidential data for its telecom customers. Access to confidential data by remote users through unauthorized channels and unsecured work environments can put the data at risk. It was essential for their operational leaders to measure organizational productivity at all levels. Little to no factual data in this gave the managers and management no visibility of how employees spent their time at work. Some of the key challenges that they were facing:

  • remote desktop monitoring software
    Lack of visibility on schedule adherence to logged hours and breaks.
  • remote desktop monitoring software
    Insufficient data on current team and individual productivity levels.
  • remote desktop monitoring software
    Insufficient data on current team and individual productivity levels.


Due to data security threat, loss of customer and confidential customer data result in data breach, financial and credibility loss, which may result in paying millions of dollars in compensation and loss of credibility and business.

Failure to improve workforce culture and ways of working pushes workforce attrition rate.


ShepHertz has an innovative solution in Productivity and AI-based security & compliance – wAnywhere. The solution seamlessly enables the enterprise workforce to Work from Anywhere through a single platform in a secure manner. The solution leverages ShepHertz battle-tested AI APIs which detect multiple types of violations and provide the facility to act when any violation occurs along with a comprehensive remediation workflow catered towards the BPO/Contact Centre business.

The following violations were deployed for the telecom:

  • remote desktop monitoring software
    Mobile detection
  • remote desktop monitoring software
    Multiple person detection
  • remote desktop monitoring software
    Not at desk detection
  • remote desktop monitoring software
    Unknown person detection

There is a comprehensive remediation workflow that assists the auditors and supervisors to review violations by sifting through compliant/non-compliant images to take appropriate actions.

wAnywhere provided a holistic platform to manage security of Remote/Hybrid users. As a consequential benefit, it also increased their workforce productivity.


The wAnywhere solution enabled the large BPO company to minimize violations and ensured customers that their confidential data is safe by leveraging wAnywhere and its best practices/tools.

The solution also helped them to get better talent across the world, especially from tier 2,3 cities, and save huge money in terms of real estate and energy costs.

Analytical dashboards with comprehensive reporting from wAnywhere were used to assist in redefining targets and benchmarks for all work activities across Agents.

This helped managers keep track of work assigned versus accomplished for any given day to ensure that defined timelines and targets were met. Additionally, wAnywhere was used to identify skill gaps and plan training needs, which improved workforce culture and ways of working.