Increase Team Performance
Increased Productivity
Improved Attendance
Increase Security using wAnywhere

Enhance Productivity
Get real-time reports on keyboard and mouse activities to get clarity on your employees’ work structure.
Know when your employees are doing the real work and when they are slagging.
Easily identify your teams’ working patterns, spot inefficiencies, and bridge performance gaps to boost productivity.
Get accurate active time reports of your employees by racking keyboard and mouse activity.
Idle Time Tracking
Check whether your employees’ most recent activity was on the keyboard or mouse, based on the nature of their tasks.
Real-time insights on how much time your employees spend sitting idly.
Get accurate reports to support teams’ in need, enhancing overall efficiency and output.

Empower Employee Flexibility
Allow employees to mark themselves as productive in scenarios when the keyboard and mouse are not utilized.
Let your managers know when you are occupied in non-digital tasks like strategizing, brainstorming, or client calls by marking yourself productive.
Avoid miscommunications and get clarity in workflows and operations.
Enterprise-grade Security Ensured
We ensure Industry-leading data protection that complies with all relevant standards.

How wAnywhere’s Keyboard & Mouse feature stands out

Activity Tracking
Used in In-office, hybrid, and remote teams for all businesses.

Platform Agnostic
Supports cloud, on-premise, and other custom setups.

Flexible Setup
Compatible with Windows, macOS, Linux, and Chromebook

Instant Installation
Install in just 3 steps.