The Challenge

As a remote-first organization, ensuring data privacy and security was a pressing challenge for Virtual Staffing Solutions. Their management was increasingly concerned about how their BPO agents handled sensitive information of businesses and customers while working from home. Maintaining the confidentiality of data and avoiding unauthorized access were the company's topmost priorities. The management needed a comprehensive solution that ensured their employees adhered to strict data compliance standards. Further, the company required a way that make teams follow a clean desk policy to avoid data mishandling, such as copying sensitive data to personal devices.

Key Objectives

  • remote desktop monitoring software
    To gain complete control over how sensitive data is accessed and handled.
  • remote desktop monitoring software
    To ensure compliance with strict data protection policies by preventing data leaks.
  • remote desktop monitoring software
    A solution that gives clear, in-depth insights into employee behavior, work activities, and adherence to clean desk policy.


To tackle these challenges, Virtual Staff Solutions partnered with wAnywhere. After carefully understanding VSS requirements and expectations, wAnywhere’s expert team collaborated with VSS’s IT department. The solution, hosted on a private cloud, was smoothly implemented within two days. The fast, seamless deployment process included hardware and OS upgrades, as well as finalizing URL whitelisting. The process happened without disrupting the daily operations of the VSS team, ensuring their employees were up and running with the most advanced AI-driven security and compliance solution.

The Solution

wAnywhere provides Virtual Staffing Solutions with a comprehensive, AI-driven solution for compliance and security designed to meet their exact needs. This solution offered real-time metrics such as:

  • remote desktop monitoring software
    Authorized User Login
  • remote desktop monitoring software
    Multiple Person Detection
  • remote desktop monitoring software
    Unknown Person Detection
  • remote desktop monitoring software
    Employee Not-at-Desk
  • remote desktop monitoring software
    Mobile Usage Detection

This comprehensive solution also featured an automatic response mechanism. With AI-driven real-time alerts, if a data breach incident occurs, the screen is automatically blocked or blacked out. A manager must provide a password to unlock the screen. Managers also received automated email notifications in case of unusual employee behaviors or data usage patterns.

The solution not only detects but also disables the copy-paste function in real time whenever employees attempt to perform this action from their systems. This prevents employees from mishandling sensitive data and avoids any possibility of data being copied or transferred to another system. This feature provided managers with peace of mind and ensured enterprise-grade data compliance.

Additionally, our system captured real-time screenshots of employees’ desktops, allowing managers to see precisely what employees were doing at specific times. This screenshot capture interval can be customized according to needs and duration, providing a granular view of real-time insights into employee activities. The system also offered an extra layer of security by ensuring that all activities were tracked and monitored, which reduced the risk of unauthorized actions.

The Results

  • remote desktop monitoring software
    99% Clean Desk Policy: Virtual Staffing Solutions achieved near-total adherence to the clean desk policy, significantly reducing data breach risks.
  • remote desktop monitoring software
    73% Increase in Productivity: The management reported enhanced efficiency among their BPO teams, contributing to a substantial boost in overall productivity.
  • remote desktop monitoring software
    Enhanced Compliance: The employees in VSS are equally focused on ensuring strict adherence to regulatory requirements and mitigating compliance risks.
  • remote desktop monitoring software
    Reduced Security Risks: The management achieved peace of mind and clarity because of the assurance that effective prevention of unauthorized access and data mishandling was in place, ensuring data integrity and security.