Time Tracking

Aux time – Track work status of remote teams/BPO agents


Managing aux time helps organizations / BPOs know work status of their remote teams / agents. By tracking aux time, businesses ensure workforce utilizes it for needed tasks.

What is Aux time

Time allocated to help workforce perform job-related tasks i.e., after-call work (ACW) / email, etc. in BPOs, meeting / presentation, etc. in other industries

Knowing when your remote teams / agents need aux time in organization / call center and how they utilize it is tricky. Here, wAnywhere remote employee monitoring software helps you manage aux time allocated and utilized by your remote workforce.

Let’s learn how you can set and control aux time for your remote employees / agents using wAnywhere desktop monitoring software: 

Configure aux time metrics for remote workers / BPO agent

Set aux time parameters i.e., Status Code (aftercall work, training, demo, etc.), Type (across organization / department), duration, Camera Release (to be used by other collaboration tools), and Notification (alert the manager about exceeding aux duration).

wAnywhere Console Showing Aux Configuration
Figure 1: wAnywhere console showing aux configuration

Read More: Idle Time Tracking – Monitor active & inactive time of remote teams

Create global (i.e., organization-wide) or department-wide aux code (i.e., demo, after-call work, etc.), type (i.e., organization / department-wide), duration (i.e., 30 min.) to allow remote workforce / BPO agent to perform the job-oriented tasks. Also, you can edit or delete status code as per remote worker / BOP agent aux need.

Advantages of managing aux time for remote workforce / BPO agents

Gain the following benefits of aux time management using wAnywhere employee time tracking software:

Track remote employee / agent aux time

Never lose track of their demo / after-call work / campaign / training time, etc. It also helps in estimating employee hours and billing.

Monitor live employee / agent aux time utilization

Measure real-time employee / BPO agent aux utilization (i.e., presentation, testing, short after-call break, etc.) to identify employee work-hour utilization.

Detect exceeding employee / agent aux time

Track exceeding aux time to notify employee / agent; also know how productively employees / agents use their aux time

Visualization & Reporting

Get detailed analytics of remote worker / BPO agent aux utilization.

Status Code Duration
Figure 2: wAnywhere console showing aux analytics of remote workforce / agents

The use cases for aux time monitoring can vary, based on the needs of growing remote organizations / BPOs. Let us discuss today why wAnywhere desktop time tracking software can be your effective solution.

wAnywhere employee monitoring software tracks call agents’ login/logout, active/idle, break/aux, and total work hours. It provides you actionable insights into how BPO agents perform and with what efficiency so you can know what productive and unproductive time they spend.     

With wAnywhere monitoring software, you can define Aux codes and duration to track the status of BPO agents so you can know the reason for their ‘unavailable time’. Also, you can manage agents’ Aux time by alerting them against exceeding Aux duration to keep them focused. 

You can gain the following advantages using wAnywhere monitoring software:

  • Track Aux time to measure work hour utilization of remote teams and BPO agents
  • Alert against exceeding Aux time than the defined duration to optimize work hours
  • Identify what BPO agents are unavailable for calls to manage the call flow
  • Know what remote teams are doing demo, training, presentation, etc.

wAnywhere helps managers define Aux codes and duration to track the Aux status of call agents/remote teams and alert them against exceeding Aux time to keep them focused at work and perform efficiently.

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