Teams working in the remote environment get limited opportunities to interact with distributed members. It impacts team engagement and productivity in distributed work; while taking care of employee wellness keeps teams efficient and productive. But how to know if an employee overworks and is at risk of burnout? Here, effective employee monitoring software can help by enabling you to define and track teams’ work hours and learn if they need breaks to maintain productivity and avoid burnout.
Table of Contents
Let’s understand how managers can measure and control employee wellness with employee monitoring software:

Read More: How to detect overworked employees and solutions for balancing workload
Measure and Control Employee Wellness in Remote Work
Monitor and measure employee wellness in remote work to avoid employee burnout and keep them engaged at work. An effective employee monitoring software enables managers to define and track employee work hours against continuous working teams and automate alerts to ask them to go on breaks and avoid burnout.
Define Employee Work Hours
Set work hours for your teams and measure if they exceed the defined work hour limit. With reliable employee monitoring software, you get a Configure option to set the time limit against employee work hours and automate tracking for their work time to measure if they are at risk of burnout.
Track Employee Hours Against Continuous Work
Get to know what employees work for what hours and if they’re working for continuous hours to save them from exhaustion and productivity loss. It also helps maintain employee efficiency at work and improves performance.
Alert Employees Against Continuous Work Hours
Automated employee workhour tracking triggers alerts against teams working for continuous hours and enables managers to identify teams at risk of burnout to avoid a slump in employee productivity and efficiency.
Let’s discover a few effective ways employee monitoring software helps maintain employee productivity and engagement at work:
Read More: WaterCooler – Unwind with remote teams in a casual virtual space
Effective Ways to Improve Employee Wellness and Engagement
Remote teams working in the distributed environment may feel alone and need to interact with team members to seek help, have conversations, and discuss work to get a collaborative and engaged work environment to work productively and with improved efficiency.
Balance Employee Workload
Measure employee workload and balance it to enable your teams to better focus on the tasks at hand and perform with more efficiency and productivity.
Encourage Team Interactions
Eliminate the limit of employee interactions in remote work to save them from the feeling of loneliness in the remote workplace. Allow remote teams get interact with distributed members to feel connected in a collaborative work environment.
Promote a Positive Work Culture
Allow remote teams to get connected in a flexible virtual environment with WaterCooler to engage in casual conversations or discuss work to let them collaborate and reduce the feeling of workload to feel more creative and productive.
Create a Competitive Work Environment
Promote a competitive work environment with a Gamified Productivity Leaderboard to recognize and reward top performers and encourage teams to do more productive work for improved performance to achieve more.
Why Productivity Monitoring Software is Important
Get your teams more productive at work by managing their work hours to keep them efficient and performing at work. Know how employee productivity monitoring software helps take care of their wellness at work and keep them engaged for more efficient work.
Why employee wellness is important?
Teams working with balanced workloads are more able to focus on work and perform with enhanced productivity – the reason why employee engagement matters and the effectiveness of employee productivity monitoring software is important.
What is the purpose of employee engagement?
Engaged employees are able to focus better on work and perform more efficiently. With employee monitoring software, managers can monitor and manage employee workloads to track how productive they work.
Also, create a collaborative work environment for them to talk or discuss with remote team members to unwind and work with enhanced creativity and productivity.
What are the benefits of employee engagement?
Encouraging employee engagement at work benefits in following ways:
- Teams get able to better focus on work
- Employee work efficiency is improved
- Workforce delivers more productive work
- A collaborative work environment is created
What are examples of employee wellness and engagement?
You can measure if your employees work with a balanced workload and in a collaborative work environment, they reflect the fine example of employee wellness and engagement.
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