Time Tracking

Why Time Tracking Matters to Boost Efficiency at Work


Organizations need to know what time their remote or hybrid teams spend on what tasks and how it impacts work efficiency and project timeline. Tracking employee time also helps to know if they’re overworking or leading to burnout risk. It enables managers to find out what are the non-productive activities of remote teams and where they waste their time to maintain productivity and optimize work hours.

Let’s understand how employee monitoring software empowers you with knowing what efficient and inefficient time utilizations are for your teams in remote and hybrid work:

How employee monitoring software can help with time tracking

Employee time at the workplace defines if they are in the right direction to meet the project timeline, or if there are any roadblocks like workload or lack of support for inefficiency at work. With employee monitoring software, you can track employee time to measure what drives or disrupts their performance at work.

Let’s explore how employee monitoring software can help you know how your teams work and with what efficiency:  

Time Tracking

Read More: How Productivity Analytics can Boost Employee Performance at Workplace

– Measure workload and availability for more work

For time-constrained projects, you can know what teams are engaged and what teams are available to take on work responsibilities. The intuitive dashboard from the monitoring tool provides you with comprehensive time-based performance to visualize what teams are over, under, or adequately utilized and know the resources available for work; also, you can balance the workload to enhance work efficiency for timely project completion.                  

– Ensure no project delay

With dashboard details from employee monitoring software, you can learn the utilization ratio of your teams and can measure if teams overwork and how it impacts their performance. The monitoring tool helps you find teams with available bandwidth to distribute the workload and improve focus time at work for boosted productivity and avoid project delay.    

– Control non-productive app and web usage

Find how teams spend time at work by tracking their app and website usage and labeling them based on their category to know what productive and non-productive time they spend at work and how it impacts teams’ work efficiency and project timeline.        

– Prevent employee burnout

Know what employees work beyond the defined continuous work hour duration to save them from the risk of burnout and encourage more productive and efficient work.                 

– Enhance productivity at work

Balanced employee workload to avoid burnout helps your teams better focus and manage their time for more efficient work to meet the timeline and negate the impact on project cost.

Why do you need wAnywhere for employee time tracking 

Employee time matters to keep teams efficient and focused at work. When employees are encouraged to optimize their work hours, they help teams manage the workload and maintain work productivity.

Let’s explore how wAnywhere employee monitoring software helps manage and maintain employee time for enhanced productivity and efficiency at work: 

– Live Login Summary

Get real-time visualization on when remote teams log into work, when they use aux and break time, what idle time they spend, and when they log out from work to measure what hours they work and with what efficiency.     

– Attendance

Learn what teams are available at work to manage the workload and avoid impact on work efficiency. Align available skills to the project tasks to keep up with the project timeline.      

– Activity Monitor

Know what activities teams perform in remote work and whether their actions drive or disrupt the project workflow. Find inefficiency at work to improve employee activity patterns and maintain the project timeline.

Get Actionable Insights with Employee Activity Tracking 

Read More: Why Time Tracking is Important for Freelancers 

– Work Hour Summary

Analyze how employee activities impact their work hours to identify the factors driving or disrupting efficiency at work and encourage more productive work.     

– Work Timeline

Measure what activities your remote teams perform with the work timeline and find out where they leak their productive time to avoid time wastage and project delay.

How wAnywhere optimizes employee time

wAnywhere helps you identify distractions in remote work and measure how it impacts employee performance. The time tracking feature from the monitoring tool is purpose-built to find out how distributed teams utilize their work hours and what activities cause them to perform inefficient work. Start a free trial today to learn how wAnywhere employee monitoring software controls employee time wastage and project delay to avoid impact on cost.                

By tracking employee time at work, you can know what activities they do, at what time, and with what efficiency to control inefficient performance.

Employee time tracking brings the following benefits:

  • Control time leakage
  • Improve inefficient employee habits
  • Boost employee productivity at work
  • Avoid impact on project timeline and cost
  • Balance workload and focused work time

Employee activity tracking helps identify non-productive behavior at work to control inefficiency and low performance.

Measuring employee performance matters for the following reasons:

  • Control inefficient behavior at work
  • Boost work productivity
  • Align employee performance with project timeline
  • Avoid impact on project cost
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