Aplicación de notas
Category : Apps & Tools

Note App – Quick & easy way to add and recall action points

Posted On June 26, 2023

Adding meeting notes has always been a hassle from creating a usable template, putting points manageably, and finding them later in understandable form. Now is the time to switch to Note App from wAnywhere which helps replace the hassle with ease of adding pre-built template-based notes, finding and recalling them when you need to take them into action while proceeding with a project. 

Why adding notes helps teams 

Following the standard practice of adding action meeting points goes a long way in helping teams work aligned with the defined business strategy.  

How wAnywhere Note App works 

Note app from wAnywhere remote employee monitoring software facilitates teams with a quick & easy platform to create and recall notes from Morning Get Together, Daily Meetups, Brainstorm Sessions, and Strategic or Planning Meetings. Additionally, it helps with:            

– Pre-designed MoM Templates

Avoid the hustle of creating an MoM template with pre-built ones to start adding points.    

– Add a quick blank note

Got some important meeting points to add? No worry! Do it fast with a quick Note

– Easy Search to find the needed Note/Draft

Easy title or tag-based search to reach out fast to the needed Note or Draft.

– Smart filter to select between Note or MoM

Intelligent filter helps quickly select between the needed Note or MoM.

Read More: wAnywhere Apps – Manage productivity and security in remote work 

Benefits of using wAnywhere Note App

Note app from wAnywhere desktop monitoring software helps teams draft down critical meeting highlights to stay aligned with the goal. Moreover, the app enables teams to achieve the following:        

– Never skip recalling important action points 

Keep action points noted and in front to avoid chances of missing and always incorporate them for better results.

– Add note with prebuilt templates all quick & easy  

Jump start adding points with the start of meetings so as not to miss any critical points.

– Recall meeting context anytime while doing project

With all crucial points noted down and easily available, recall them at any point while working on project. 

– Switch between Draft and Note with just a slide 

Covert rough draft with an action-worthy note whenever you’re ready by switching the slide.

– Reach out fast to saved Notes with Tag-based search

Use tags to your best advantage to find out fast the saved Note(s) to work on.

Bring your teams the needed resource they look for to help them have all critical points recalled and incorporated into their ongoing or upcoming projects. Know how wAnywhere Note app enables teams to add points all easy and bring them into action fast.    

You get the ease of creating meeting MoM with a pre-designed template and can quickly find previously saved drafts to make MoM or notes, and can conveniently switch between saved draft or note with a toggle slide to recall meeting points. 

You can create MoM with a pre-designed template from wAnywhere Note App to get ease in recalling important meeting points fast. 

wAnywhere Note App helps teams create a quick draft based on important meeting points to make MoM fast with pre-designed template.

You get a pre-designed MoM template and a quick search option to find the saved draft fast to easily create MoM or even notes.